Giving Generously...

How will you respond when faced with a need? This weekend at Central, we were all faced with that question. The sermon, Subconscience: Give Generously. We all want to be known as generous and giving - but at the core of most of us is a selfish nature.

I want to be known as a generous person. I want to be known as someone that shares, gives, and loves without expectations. But it's a challenge. Inside is a selfishness that battles with that want - and often it's fierce.

But today, there was no battle. Today, our senior pastor, Cal Jernigan, presented a message on giving generously. One point that sticks with me, "We are never more like God than when we are giving."

I want to be known as generous, but even more, I want to be known as godly - someone that loves God and loves people. i want to follow the example Christ left for me - and to give without thought of return; without thought of what I might get out of it. Today was a day to act on that desire.

There is a need in our community for shoes. Central's ACTS ministry, which serves the homeless in our area, needs sneakers/comfortable shoes. The Dream Center in Phoenix helps people get off the streets and find employment - so they have a need for business type shoes. So today, the challenge was issued in the form of a call to action - act today by leaving your shoes.

And leave our shoes we did... An amazing experience to witness and be part of. I was able to take photographs during the service, which just topped the weekend for me. To be able to document how God moved in that place today and last night was a true blessing.