"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." (Marianne Williamson)
What if God has created me to do something incredible? To be a part of something bigger than I ever imagined? What if those dreams of doing something that really meant something weren't really dreams at all?
I totally agree with the quote by Marianne Williamson. We are not afraid to live a simple, ineffective life - there is some perceived safety in that. It's not even the fear of the unknown that really keeps people from jumping in. It might be the fear of making mistakes that causes us to hesitate at times...
But I think the paralyzing fear that we all face is that realization that we were made in God's image- which means the potential for Him to use us in amazing ways is unlimited. The power that comes from being His is unsurpassed. That kind of limitless possibilities cripples people. Why would we fear being used?
I think of Austin Gutwein - a kid who has made an eternal impact in thousands, if not millions of lives because he dove in and allowed God to take his dream to help kids with AIDS. He did not fear to live and he did not fear to be powerful. He may not have realized the power of impact that was coming as he embarked on his journey - but I think deep down, once we claim our place in His kingdom, we all realize there's a potential to be powerful. As Christians, we all have the ability to leave a powerful mark on this world - a powerful mark in the life of one... or in the lives of millions - but either way, there's power when we allow Him to go before us in our journey.
Don't live in fear. Fear and faith cannot live in the same heart. So what path will I choose today? I choose faith and I choose to live a powerful life!
"Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive - the risk to be alive and express what we really are." (Don Miguel Ruiz)
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