A beautiful breeze and cooler temps called me outside this morning. I remember, growing up in Michigan, how welcome the warmer spring weather was such a welcome greeting after a harsh winter. Arizona is exactly the opposite. After five months of sweltering heat, the chill of a 70 degree morning greets you like the newness of spring. Life emerges this time of year in Arizona.
I grabbed the cushions to one of my new patio chairs and was elated as I could finally enjoy it. Read a couple of proverbs that stood out in to me, but one in particular.
Proverbs 27:19
"As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man..
What's my water reflecting? What is my life saying to others? What example am I showing my family, my child, my friends, my jh students, my coworkers, my neighbors, my community? Am I making a difference with my life?
This year has been ground-shattering, foundation-testing, and filled with soul-searching. Been filled with struggle, anger, frustration, betrayal, broken trust, loneliness, and spiritual nights. It's been filled with the question why?.
God has allowed me to struggle in my questions. Sometimes I feel I'm in this all alone, but my soul knows that is a lie. God is here with me. My Savior is ready to comfort me, to guide me, to love me through it all—I have to be willing to accept it; to acknowledge it; to look for it. It's that searching that makes my walk with Him stronger. Sometimes (oftentimes) I/we take gifts for granted. Gifts like grace. I know I've been guilty, even though I don't want to be. What am I sacrificing to follow Him? Am I being obedient when He asks? Do I hear His whisper above the noise of the world? Do I take time and sit with Him?
Answering my own questions honestly shows me how far I have to go. I know I'm not alone in my struggle to reflect Christ's life in me. Not alone in this pursuit to be more, to live more, to love more so that the world sees Him. Not alone in desiring something above mediocrity or routine. Not alone in getting weary-which is why we, the Body, need each other for encouragement and accountability.
*Image courtesy of http://www.freewebs.com/dessel5/paintings.htm
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2 years ago
I find myself so missing fall this year. I mean really missing it.
I love that verse in Proverbs!
This year for me has been difficult as well, probably the hardest of my life so far. It has also left me asking why...wondering where has God been through all my pain and struggles. I know he has been there, but sometimes my world was so dark, I couldn't find him.
But, he always proves faithful to me.
I really enjoy your blogs.
Te amo mi chica!
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