Michael Yemba, a Christian from Sudan came and shared God's story in his life with us yesterday. I would love to sit and have coffee with this man and hear more. To hear of God's amazing provisions to those that face persecution in the truest sense. I would love to hear more about how God opened up the ceiling in his tiny prison cell to pour cool air on him when his body could take no more. I would love to hear about the journey God took him on to grow into the Christ-loving man he is today after his mother was brutally murdered by radicals in his country. I would just like to sit with this man (or others like him) to get my life into perspective.
Persecution (v): to pursue in a manner to injure, grieve, or afflict; to beset with cruelty or malignity; to harass; especially, to afflict, harass, punish, or put to death, for adherence to a particular religious creed or mode of worship.
Christ tells us to expect it; to welcome it even.
Matthew 5:11 "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me."
The Message:
Not only that—count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens—give a cheer, even!—for though they don't like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble.
Note the ending in the NIV translation "because of me." And in the Message it says "to discredit me." I think this calls us to examine our persecution, or what we perceive as our persecution. In America, we currently don't have much of a clue about real persecution. We freely carry our Bibles, praise loudly in churches, "retreat" to the mountains for spriritual refreshment, visibly pray in public, blast our favorite worship songs on any number of Christian broadcasting stations, and shop churches to see which one best fits our style. We allow the minority agenda to steer our country's policies and laws, not speaking out for fear someone might not agree or get offended. We water down truth or hide it completely. We dwell on lifes bumps, missing the opportunity to participate in God's mountains. I know I'm guilty of that one. I get so self-centered - so focused on the woes in my own life at times that I miss what God's asking me to do; miss the opportunity and blessings of allowing Him to use me.
What are we to do with this knowledge of the depth of persecution that goes on in our world? What's the greatest thing that I believe I can do? Pray. Pray not only for those persecuted, but for the hearts and minds of those doing the persecuting. Pray for our Christian voices to speak out and draw attention to injustices of our world. We all have a responsibility to stand beside our brothers and sisters and to lift them before the only One that can sustain them through these expected times of persecution.
And for me, I need to continually examine my life to ensure I am living in a manner worthy of the gospel and worthy of persecution that comes as a blessing for following Him.
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2 years ago
I loved that sermon. Very moving! :)
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